All training courses except Beginning Agility and Treadmill Trtaining (unless you have a treadmill) can be done in your home or mine, your choice.  Sometimes behavior training and Canine Good Citizen will require us to go to a park, a pet store, a parking lot, etc.

Training outside my home will require a $15 travel fee.                                                                     

Beginning Obedience $250

4, 1 Hour Sessions--For puppies, adolescents, and adult dogs

We will cover the basics including Focus, Sit, Down, Leave it, Loose Leash Walking, Recall, Stay, Touch, and Wait.  We will also discuss what undesirable behaviors look like when they're starting and how to stop them.  Finally, we will discuss Leadership Exercises which teach the owners the proper ways to interact with their dog so the dog understands that the human is the leader.


Intermediate Obedience $250

4, 1 Hour Sessions

Intermediate Obedience is for dogs that can do a majority of Beginning Obedience skills around distractions.  Skills learned in Intermediate Obedience include Side, Heel on Leash, Sit from a Distance, Go to your Spot, and Touch an Object.


Advanced Obedience $250

4, 1 Hour Sessions

Advanced Obedience is for dogs that can do a majority of Intermediate Obedience skills around distractions.  Skills learned in Advanced Obedience include Heel Off Leash, Sit in Motion, Extended Stay, Front, and Back.


Tricky Dog $250

4, 1Hour Sessions

Tricky Dog is for dogs that can do a majority of Beginning Obedience skills around distractions.  Some of the tricks learned in Tricky Dog include Bow, Crawl, Sit Pretty, Hoop Jump, and Peekaboo.  Not all dogs are equipped to do all tricks.  We will stick to the individual dog's strengths.


Beginning Agility $250

4,1Hour Sessions

Beginning Agility is for dogs that can do a majority of Beginning Obedience skills around distractions.  Some of the skills learned in Beginning Agility include Target Right, Target Left,  Jumps, Platform, Weave Poles, and Hoop Jumps.  Not all dogs are equipped to do agility so this course is designed for you to have fun with you dog, while testing his/her natural aptitude and ability.


Treadmill Training $40

1/2 Hour Sessions

It's very important that dogs get structured exercise, especially high energy dogs.  Teaching your dog to walk (trot, run) on a treadmill is a great way to help him/her burn energy.  Not only will he/she get physically tired, but mentally tired as well.  Some dogs and owners are able to achieve this in one session while others require multiple sessions.


Canine Good Citizen $350

6, 1 Hour Sessions

Canine Good Citizen is a program established by the American Kennel Club.  It was developed to promote obedience training and well-mannered dogs.  Dogs that pass a ten objective test earn the Canine Good Citizen certification.  This course teaches the skills that the dog and handler must satisfactorily complete to pass the test.  The ten objectives include: 1) Accepting a friendly stranger, 2) Sitting politely for petting, 3) Appearance and grooming, 4) Loose leash walking, 5) Walking through a crowd, 6) Sit/Down/Stay, 7) Recall, 8) Reaction to another dog, 9) Reaction to distractions, 10) Supervised separation.  We will run the test during our final session.  If the dog and handler do not pass at this time, they are encouraged to practice and retest (for free) at a later date.


Canine Good Citizen Test $20

For dogs and handlers that already have the ten Canine Good Citizen skills mastered, but haven't tested.


Be the Pack Leader $175

4, 1 Hour Sessions

Be the Pack Leader is for dog owners who want their dog to understand that the humans are the leaders.  We'll discuss Socialization, House Training, Crate Training, Leadership, Exercise, Training, Grooming, Nutrition, Health, and Love and Affection.  These are "Sandy'z Top 10 Things" for raising a happy, healthy, well-behaved dog.


Doggyphobia $175

4, 1 Hour Sessions

These days dogs are everywhere, especially in San Diego!  This can be tough on people that are afraid of dogs.  Doggyphobia is designed specifically for people that have a fear of dogs.  If you or someone you know is afraid and want to work on it, Doggyphobia is for you, and I promise I will never throw you to the dogs.


Pet CPR and First Aid $200

1, 6-8 Hour Class

This class teaches humans how to handle emergency situations involving their pets including choking, heat stroke, no heartbeat, fractures, bleeding, and more.  Children 10 years and up are welcome to participate in this course.  If you have a grop of 4 or more, ask about group pricing.


Potty Training Seminar $75

1Hour Seminar

I'm asked all the time if I can potty train people's dogs.  I always say, "No, because I don't live with your dog, but I can teach you to potty train your dog".  This one hour seminar teaches people the best ways to potty train their puppy or dog.


People's Choice $250

4, 1 Hour Sessions

People's Choice is all about you and your dog!  You get to decide what we work on in your 4, 1 hour sessions.  Before the first session, we will discuss (over the phone or in person, your choice) what the sessions will look like.  You can pick all obedience training or mix it up with some tricks or maybe some agility.  It's your choice!


Training by the Hour $75

1 Hour Session

Sometimes you need a refresher or your dog has a new, undesirable behavior that you need help with.  Often this can be done in one, 1 hour session.  If after the session you realize that you need more, it's easy to turn Training by the Hour into People's Choice.  The decision comes down to if you feel you're ready to take what we work on and apply it with you dog on your own.  Some people can do it in one session, while others want some more guidance.  Either way, the decision is yours.


Behavior Modification


1 Hour Session--$100

4, 1 Hour Sessions--$350

Undersirable behaviors like Resource Guarding, Fear Aggression, Guarding, and Lunging are not only a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous.  It's best for the dog and the dog's owner to address and quash these behaviors.  If you're having issues with troublesome behaviors, call for a free consultation.


Service Dog Training

Each training plan is customized so contact us to discuss your needs.

Hearing Dogs

Hearing dogs respond to sounds (every day and emergency) and alert their handler.

Mobility and Brace Support Dogs

These dogs are trained to help with balance and mobility issues.

Psychiatric Dogs

These dogs are trained to perform tasks that can help an individual with a psychiatric or developmental disability.  These dogs can also help individuals with PTSD.


Board and Train

Board and Train is designed specifically for each dog and owner.  Before a Board and Train is scheduled, a 30 to 60 minute free consultation will be required.  I only Board and Train one dog at a time so the dog gets individual attention.